Monday, February 6, 2012

composition 6 -- about people 5

Wendy is my sister.
She is five feet, six inches, slightly些微 above average.平均值 

She’s curvy 彎曲in the right places, 在適當之處but thinks she’s overweight.超重She is overly過度 sensitive about her weight but hates to exercise. She would rather lose the weight by simply not eating fattening使人肥的 foods… but she loves ice cream.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

composition 5 -- about people - 4

Jean does not consider herself pretty. She has an oval-shaped 橢圓形face She has short brown hair, green eyes, and a peaches-and-cream白色而帶點桃紅 complexion.膚色  

She never bothers費心于 with makeup. 化妝She is shy,害羞 so she is not trying to impress給人留下印象 anyone. You have to get to know 了解her before her inner beauty內在美 shines through.表現出來

composition 4 -- about people 3

May is a hardworking勤力 student. She maintains保持 above 高於average平均 grades等級 in all her subjects科目, with excellent極佳 results成績 in English.

She takes an active積極 interest興趣 in extra-curricular 課外activities活動, and is a good all-rounder多才多藝的人. She is a member 成員of the school volley ball team.排球隊 She is a class prefect班長 for two years and demonstrated表現出 that she is able有能力 to handle承担 responsibility責任 and has good leadership 領導qualities.才能 

She also displays展現 a great interest in charity work慈善事業; she takes part參與 in activities 活動to help disabled弱能 children and works on Saturdays for three years at a local 本地orphanage孤兒院, caring for照顧 the children and helping to teach them English.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

composition 3 - about people 2

One morning, as I was washing my hands and face I looked in the mirror. I saw the face of an old man with sad難過 eyes and hair that was starting to turn grey.

Then I when I was a child, I have a very special classmate.同班同學
He looked 看上去as different from the young, happy student I used to 過去經常know.認識的 We were the same age but he looked a lot older than me. His hair was going grey變得灰色 and his face had a worried look.看來担心的樣子 He was also much thinner than I remembered him.

It seems似乎 that I look like 着似him now.

composition 2 -- about people 1

Adam is one of my best friends.

He is delightful.令人愉快的 Delightful!  He is full of light,光輝  full of life,充滿活力  full of laughter.笑聲 He makes silly傻的 jokes 笑話and laughs引人笑的事物 so hard 盡力you are just carried away 失去自制能力in merriment.嬉戲

His trick戲弄 is that it’s not a trick. He laughs , and cries repeatedly反复地 in any presentation,介绍,陳述 from the heart.由心而發

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

composition 1

A great tourist destination

One of the best cities to visit in Asia is Hong Kong.

It has some interesting landmarks and tourist spots. There are many places to visit, such as the Ocean Park , the Hong Kong Disneyland , and the Big Buddha in Lantau Island.  .

For more excitement, the area called Causeway Bay is famous for its shopping and restaurants. For drinks and beer, chatting and fun don’t forget Lan Kwai Fong, a section in Central district in  Hong Kong Island. It is now the so called SoHo area with many bars, pubs and restaurants. At night, Lan kwai Fong is full of people from countries outside Hong Kong..

Finally, there is the tram tour. On this tour, you can just travel comfortably in the tram which travels slowly from one end of Hong Kong Island to the other end for a very cheap fare.