Saturday, February 4, 2012

composition 4 -- about people 3

May is a hardworking勤力 student. She maintains保持 above 高於average平均 grades等級 in all her subjects科目, with excellent極佳 results成績 in English.

She takes an active積極 interest興趣 in extra-curricular 課外activities活動, and is a good all-rounder多才多藝的人. She is a member 成員of the school volley ball team.排球隊 She is a class prefect班長 for two years and demonstrated表現出 that she is able有能力 to handle承担 responsibility責任 and has good leadership 領導qualities.才能 

She also displays展現 a great interest in charity work慈善事業; she takes part參與 in activities 活動to help disabled弱能 children and works on Saturdays for three years at a local 本地orphanage孤兒院, caring for照顧 the children and helping to teach them English.

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